Specialist Earwax Removal Services

Trusted in Yorkshire and Axholme

Trusted Earwax Removal In Yorkshire and Axholme

Ears Of Axholme exists to ensure you experience life in full fidelity. Say goodbye to long wait times, and poor levels of compassion and care.

Instead, enjoy a liberating experience on your terms, at your convenience, and with the right results.

Our job is complete when you regain full and impressive clarity to your hearing, comfortably, conveniently, AND painlessly.

Are you suffering from…

Frequent Wax build-ups or over-production?

Our ears are a self-cleaning part of the body. Under normal conditions, earwax migrates from the ear at a proportionate rate to production. However, uncomfortable build-ups or overproduction can occur, disconnecting you from your surroundings.

The temptation to clean or itch regularly?

Resist the urge! Your ears are a self-cleaning mechanism. Your ear’s natural process, combined with showering or bathing will encourage the normal migration of earwax.

Never be tempted to use cotton buds or itch the area! Both can cause significant damage or exacerbate the issue.

If you deem invasive cleaning to be necessary or you catch yourself itching regularly, consider booking in for a consultation or wax removal procedure to inspect and rectify the issue.

Diminished sense of hearing?

Around 12 million people suffer from hearing loss in the UK. An earwax build-up may be the cause or exacerbation of the issue and will only increase the discomfort.

Discomfort during hearing aid, or aural device usage?

While this may be down to the fitment of your hearing aid or device (which should always be checked first), hearing-aid usage or other devices such as earphones and/or headphones can trigger the over-production of earwax causing blockages.

  • Diminished volume caused by blockages can tempt users to raise the sound levels on earphones and other listening devices.

    While the tympanic membrane (eardrum) may be covered, the delicate hairs (stereocilia) remain exposed.

    The Stereocllia inside the inner ear transmit sound to the brain.

    Damage can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.

Vertigo or loss of balance?

In some cases, impacted earwax pressing on the tympanic membrane (eardrum) can give the false sensation of altered air pressure, resulting in vertigo symptoms or loss of balance.

There may be additional causes for this sensation, some of which we are also able to provide the answers to during your consultation with us.

Sound Like You?

If any of these issues or symptoms relate to your current circumstances, you will highly benefit from a consultation or wax-removal procedure with Ears of Axholme.

Appointments are available at your Home or our Clinic

In Safe Hands

Fully Qualified

-Fully qualified ear care practitioner by UK Microsuction.
-Specialist in earwax removal method of microsuction, manual instrumentation and warm water irrigation.

Insured and Indemnified

-All practices, procedures and consultations fully insured for your protection.
-Public and professional liability cover from specialist audiology insurance providers.
-Full cover at our clinic and in your home.


-Maximum dignity and care shown with each and every patient.
-Compassion and convenience.
-The right results on your terms.